Awami Workers Party held its first congress on September 27-28, 2014 at Islamabad, Pakistan.
Comradely greetings and solidarity messages were received from 23 organizations listed below:
Friends of South Asia USA; Fourth International; Communist Party of India (ML); Communist Party of Bangladesh-ML; The Committee of Progressive Pakistani-Canadians; Socialist Alliance Australia; Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA), France; Scottish Socialist Party; Solidarity Party of Afghanistan; Professor Chaman Lal (JNU) Delhi; Swedish Left Party; Labour Education Foundation; Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM); Gefont Nepal; The Workers’ International Network UK; Left Unity UK; Japanese Revolutionary Communist League (JRCL); Socialist Alternative Australia; Sammilita Samajik Andolon (United Civil Society Movement) and the Jangibaad Birodhi Mancha (Forum Against Religious Intolerance and Fanaticism) Bangladesh; Vame Handa (‘Left Voice’) Sri Lanka; The Dutch Socialist Party (SP), Netherlands; Asian-American Network Against Abuse of Human Rights (ANAA); Solidarity USA
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